Protection of confidential data within the healthcare industry is regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA requires that access to sensitive medical records and other patient related information must be restricted to authorized individuals.
Additionally, health organizations must ensure that transmission of data across networks or the internet is protected from theft or loss. Virtual private networks (accessed from remote locations) pose additional challenges for the security of health information. |
Ceelox products help healthcare organizations protect the privacy of the individuals they serve with biometric authentication and encryption solutions like :
Ceelox ID Ceelox ID can manage the employee computer network access privileges with biometric authentication. This will ensure that only employees with the proper authorization may view confidential information. Because fingerprints cannot be stolen or duplicated (unlike usernames and passwords), information is secure.
• Ceelox ID Online Ceelox ID can verify the identity of users accessing private networks through the web based biometric authentication. Unlike other means of authentication, the fingerprint is an identity measure that cannot be replicated or faked.
• Ceelox Vault Ceelox Vault can ensure that information used by remote or mobile employees is biometrically accessed and encrypted providing strong portable or mobile security.
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